Saturday, July 14, 2018

I run...

I run from pleasure
         and I run from pain
In run from sunshine
         and I run from rain

I run from rise
       and I run from fall
I run from mortal
       and I run from soul

I run from disgust
  and I run from delight
I run from accord
  and I run from fight

I run from loss
  and I run from gain
I run from freedom
  and I run from chain

I run from gloom
  and I run from glow
I run from trickle
  and I run from flow

I run from silence
  and I run from noise
I run from restriction
  and I run from choice

I run from solitary
  and I run from rally
I run from mountain
  and I run from valley

I run from shores
  and I run from ocean
I run from frustration
  and I run from motivation

I run from open
  and I run from cage
I run from laughter
  and I run from rage

I run from vicinity
  and I run from afar
I run from perfection
  and I run from scar

I run from  wind
  and I run from shower
I run from thrones
  and I from flower

I run from demand
  and I run from prayer
I run from achievement
  and I run from failure

I run from liberty
  and I run from compulsion
I run from fancy
  and I run from repulsion

I run from devilish
  and I run from divine
I run from mundane
  and I run from sublime

I run from admires
  and I run from disdain
I run from release
  and I run from restrain

I run from surrender
  and I run from engagement
I run from chaos
  and I run from convenience

I run from detach
  and I run from cling
I run from everything
  and I run from nothing

I run from oblivious
  and I run from aware
I run from everywhere
  and I run from nowhere

I know nothing
  to what I run
I understand nothing
  from what I run

I think nothing
  why do I run
I do nothing
  but I just run 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Why can't they wait...

I was young
and I was bold
In the summer
or in bitter cold

Some were friends
but  some were foes
some were delighted
but some had woes

Some were strangers
untouched and unknown
some were there
to see me grow

They wanted me
to climb and to propel
fly into the sky
to prosper and excel

some always wished
for me to drop
for them, if I don’t fit
I must loose

If I do not fulfill
their scheme of design
if I do not relent
to their wish and conscience

they always wished
for me to fall
as if, I will not then,
they will fall

and I did fall
for my fate was bad
it turned me down
at a time which i never had

yes I did fall
when I was deceived
yes I did fall
when I failed to achieve

but it was a fall
and not the death
the life was there
lingering to a thread

the life was there
in my flesh and bone
yes life was there
in parts and in pain

like those vultures
desperate to devour
it doest matter
if I were one of their own

the moment was ripe
atleast they felt so
i can still remember
seeing their faces glow

when they flew down
with speed and glide
when they flew down
with great appetite

their beaks were sharp
hooked and strong
they tore away my flesh
with all their might

parting my meat
from my bone
it gave them cheer
and not the shiver

can't they see I was still alive
the body they scavenged
was not a corpse yet
but just gave up the fight

can't they wait
for my life to leave
can't they wait
for my soul to be free

can't they wait
for my skin to be cold
can't they wait
for I say to myself  “don’t hold”

can't they wait
for my heart beat to subside
can't they wait
for my pulse reside

can't they wait

for my hopes to sink
can't they wait
for my eyes cease to blinks

can't they wait
for my breath to stop
can't they wait
for my everything to drop

can't they wait
why can't they
just wait