Friday, February 6, 2009

Halka Halka Sa Ye Nasha....

She was beautiful…and she made me feel beautiful instantly….the effect was same as that of a cup of tea ……rrrrefreshing. Red and brown shades of life faded to purple and then to romantic pink.
Interesting Fact – I don’t know her name…
More Interesting Fact – I don’t want to know it either…
Just one glimpse of her face was enough for keeping me going happy, happier and happiest……
I tried and related her with every nook and corner of my life…
I woke up late…and tried to imagine her sweet reaction to it….oh my god…she is not happy to see me getting up late… (She is happy that she got chance to say something to me )
She must have loved to listen …when I sung like a maniac……I am talking about my bathroom singing habits.
Oh…she got crazy to see me eating my breakfast (very fast without any break…)….oh she must hated me for that (Sweetheart has no idea…I always get late for office….)
Look she always admires me, when I shower love to those cute little kids…. (She is a typical women …;)). I am more than sure that she will love my idea for having hundreds of children and thousands of grandchildren
Does she likes…my taste of music….obviously…she likes me so she will like them also…. (God knows why…. ).
Does she disagrees with my understanding for politics….(Yes my dear friends she is so innocent to do so.. )
Does she love the vividity of different Indian culture…..yes she do…. (..I love it coz she has genuine respect for all of them…). Hope she will help one of them to be preserved….
Should I express my views for feminism to her…..? (Nah…she can misunderstand me for a Good boy..I hate to be called one.)
Hey wait… If I can express my idea of education to her…I know she will not mistake me for a rebel… (Wow)
I wish….If she can cook all the delicacies for me (I am crazy for food…though I don’t look like. )
I hope that she will sing a melody to calm me down…. (Common Nishu…she is not Lata Mangeshkar)
I can’t resist to ask her for a joy ride in the middle of the night…Just for a cup of coffee 70 Km away on the highway (My old jeep will suck 10 liters of fuel just for a cup of coffee ).
I will love it if she doesn’t mind to do salsa…on the grass floor…under the monsoon rain (Of course with me ….)
Do I really want them to happen in my life? I don’t care if I want or not. Only thing is I know is that, I love these feelings and desires popping into my heart …and want to stir them with every song I hum.

Random Thoughts....

I may call it transition in my outlook. Things are changing everyday and some are getting good and a few are getting very good. Contrarily many things are getting bad, worse worst. Life is going like a long train journey, one we have with Great Indian Railways (Truly Great).You wait for another railway station rather than milestones. I may be at the mid of my journey or may be I have finished only a quarter. Well may be I am about to conclude it…only God know that. But all those thoughts become irrelevant, once you start looking outside the window. You find greenery well amalgamated with different good and bad colors of life. Wait a minute! Am I making sense …may be …..may not be. Who cares? At least not I. The other day while flipping the newsprints, I got some shocks…not shockwaves anyways.The separatism, regionalism, murder, rape …blah blah. Today It was finance which caught my eyes. Finance, I never understood them, or I never understood the financers of our country. Within a short period of 1 year things are getting ugly. There is something seriously wrong with me or the media…can’t write much on that, have to study economics to figure out. An array of thoughts starts doing ping pong and its is really difficult to get a nap without holding them. These things sometimes drive me crazy and some times numb. I am not comfortable either ways. It always ends up with kicking me down to ashes. I don’t know if I can be phoenix but I have to fly again…err…to much of over ambitions with greek mythocurry. Hate it to recite or to speak out but can’t help it all the time. World is not static, it is rotating and to make me amused enough it is revolving also. They say we get a free trip around the sun. Around the Sun? Why not “towards the Sun” instead. May be sun is too expensive to go….no the reason is, it is hot…..( Not like those Hollywood Babes) …it is real hot….red hot. Interesting, something giving out light and life is not cool at all. It is burning in itself. Something which strikes the chord is that, sun while giving out light and life is not cool enough to get near to. Is it sad? Not necessary. What if the sun will be cool? May be visiting over there for a summer vacation. Ishhh…again another idiotic thought…this is how my life goes on…one foolishness followed by another and whole bundle of crazy things to be done before it is too late to realize the mistake. And then starts the lessons and passion to improve. It goes useless…well not every time. I get improved day by day. At least by mistakes if not by lessons. You click your mouse button and the whole world gets pasted on to your retina walls. Not necessarily, you need to get some other organ to accommodate them. It is called heart. Well most of youngsters like us happen to give to some good looking girl and sometimes to many of them to share and play with it. Oh my god once again the bizarre ideas are ruining my time….but some wise men say this is how some great discoveries were made, I mean by thinking bizarre…mind it only some of them were made not all of them. Our mind craves for something called perfect and there is nothing called perfect. Same thing is with heart. It strives for something called peace. But no one knows if it exist…peace or so called peace, it exist only in the high level diplomatic talks of bureaucrats’. Philosophical…or .ah…I don’t want to give that crap. But my fingers don’t obey me and they keep pressing some stupid keys. School children amuse me the most. They fear their teacher more than a devil. For them Dracula is just a character not a reality …and if a few of them believe in it, they make a difference. Homework is something gives them nausea not the probable nuclear world war. Our mind reacts in the same manner every time, though with the different situation at different stages of age. The agony and panic makes the same effect. Am I speaking something like Rocket Science? And what is the fuss about this rocket science. Why people everywhere gives an example of it when they have to mention something complicated technological scientific and etc etc ……I find it a bundle of mechanics some Gentlemen called Newton told us long back. Enough of all these crap. It is time to have a coffee break. Adieu .

Midnight Maggies....

Good morning….and then….. My dear it is already afternoon (I don’t remember who said that.) Oh my god! (With exaggerated exclamation)…My Passport application, my Driving license and all…oh no not again…another day is lost …Mummieeee (Seriously I wish she should not hear that)…….and life returns to ever lazy pace….

For all those uncounted missed classes…and many more so called important and actually important lost things. Who was responsible? Well it’s a difficult question to answer…reason no1 I don’t want to blame other people and reason no2. I don’t like to blame myself either. So finally I have to blame my favorite….Midnight Maggy. Oh those noodles drives me crazy every time served hot and crazier when I have to cook them.. Please imagine about the situation yourself (coz I am poor in writing screenplay ) Late Night…atmosphere.. (With periodical roaring of call center cabs) Background Music- ( You can imagine every genre of music here) Some 2-3 guys…discussing important issues like economics, politics, hollywood, bollywood (and sometimes kollywood ) cricket , Rock and Roll , Bangalore and of course with the centre of focus were the girls from our college and better girls from other college ( exam , courses and careers were excluded mandatorily, even though those were the nights before some big shot examinations). It forms a perfect niche of a talk show where each one among us used to be an expert in our own fields. (Guess my field of expertise…very good! you are right) And suddenly those prolonged discussion prompts some twists in our stomach… . No mom can come in the middle of the night to rescue our ever hungry bellies so Chief cook err…or Chief Chef Nishu gets ready with all his might and heads towards the kitchen ( which is absolutely in mess ).…for his notorious Experimental Cooking. Challenge one –who is going wash those dishes???? This immortal question get answered with arguments and blame games, finally we settle for a joint operation. Challenge two- Who is going to be the tester- Now here, no one is going to compromise and I had to take that role without any emergency and life saving faculties available at that great hour or midnight. Our experimental cooking generally came out with disasters for our collective appetite , but we were lucky once to come with a recipe of cooking maggy with onion tomato and chicken masala. (Yummiee…… ).Some times Bachcha ( or Shaitan Bachca alias Anshul ) proposed for getting a patient for that recipe.. He always made sensible proposals as far as business is concerned. But what business does a band of carefree (or careless) boys can do? And the answer is talking, talking and more talking . God knows from where we got those talketive women kind of spirits inside us With hot and sizzling Maggy smelling deliciously we used to rush for our balcony hoping for getting the glimpse of any hot shot babe even in the middle of night.(hope is a crazy thing) . Thanks to Mrinal and his volunteering for preparing tea without any argument. Mrinal you are great and I mean it …The Challenges for preparing tea is the same. You were kind enough to do it with absolutely no idea for whereabouts of the ingredients. Maggy Noodles- It takes just two minutes to cook them. Maggy Noodles- It takes another 2 hours to finish it with those sensible discussions about Feminism and Sensex. Well my dear readers by the time we used to finish those intertwined noodles and got exhausted with our never ending discussion…it used to be a beautiful early morning… Hope you got the answer. Those Midnight Maggies were the real culprit for another lost day of our life.