Sunday, May 16, 2010


The smoke from my cigar made a way to the mist and the cool breeze made the mist to dilute. There was something which was not was mesmerizing sound of the flute. Further I was driving....more the sound was flowing down to my heart through the ears....and next moment I was on the top of the hill. And there I saw him. Small but beautiful blue eyes.....fair complexion with pale shade....nose like a chewing gum with undefined shape. Short hair small height. He was just walking around and playing with the pure air of the hills. Kids down the plane can never feel the freshness which this little boy does. The memory is still fresh as those winds...I was then a trainee engineer for a hydel power project posted on the hills to the far eastern side of the country. Terrains still un-explored, air still fresh, hills still young, rain still soothing, people still welcoming.

"Khana khaisa amma....?" I asked the land lady and smiled. She happens to be one of the sweetest old women on this earth. I went inside the room. It was a cozy room. The roof was made of bamboo with husk on top of it. I could clearly see it was getting moistened in the morning mist. One of those dew drops made me to wake up and once again the first thing I could hear was those mesmerizing flute, it was so magnetic that it could teleport me to the other part of the universe instantly.

I drove my vintage 2nd world war willy to the top of the same hill and found that child again. He was sitting on the same stone overlooking the valley to the horizon at the other side. I felt as if he was waiting for an angel to come and caress him. I wanted to talk to him, but I could not, language divide stopped me to do so. I just kept my hand on his shoulder and offered him the chocolate which I got from Calcutta. Initially he was hesitant to accept it but when I looked into his eyes he took it with a grace.

Today he is coming to see me. I am so happy. A commanding officer of the gorkhas is coming to see me. May be the stars on his shoulder will not impress me the way his small blue eyes did to me. The olive green uniform may not make me feel that pale skin effect. For me he is still a young boy from the Far East. Untouched by any complication of this cruel world. His short & smart hair, a flute in his left hand could make me feel happier.

1 comment:

Udit Garg said...

I am really impressed by the way you descibe natural things and untouched beauty of earth.... I will try to follow you soon on this and will post an artcile on something similar soon ;).. thanks for writing again...