Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Please don't say, I don't love you....

Late night. The silence of the night was only breached by the ticking wall clock. There is dim lamp glowing. It looks that the lamp is trying to woo away the darkness with its mighty effort. But darkness is determined to stay in that room . Across this seemingly endless crisscrossing of darkness and light, a beautiful face is glowing. At least the glow of this cute face makes the scene a little bit enervating. But the face is crying. It is a sweet little girl trying to conceal all her pain under the cover of darkness. The music in the background is soft. She is just 5 years old with beautiful hair: long and black falling over her shoulders. It seems the hair itself is older to her.  Suddenly the door opens and a beam of light makes its way in. It illuminates her face as she lifts her face over the pillow. For the first time  her face is visible with all clarity. The eyes are swollen and the traces of dried away tears could be seen on her tender cheeks. A figure approaches her and she look into it with mixed emotions. It is her father approaching her to give her a warm embrace. But she rejects his hug.
Father: What is the matter with you baby. What happened, why are you crying my dear.( Worried)
Girl: I don't want to talk to you Papa. (Eyebrows bent; she frowns)
Father: Oh I see my baby is angry on me. Don't you think, I must know why my child is angry on me?
(Affectionately trying to hold her)
Girl: You don't love me Papa……you don't love me at all .
Father: And why does my   little princess think that her papa doesn't love her anymore?
Girl: You are the busiest papa in this world. I want to see your face as the first thing in the morning as I get up. But I never find you . You always leave early. At night I feel like sleeping in your arms, but you are always late with some meetings or some office work. I wanted to learn riding a bicycle from you, not by some other person, but I never find you. On Sundays also you don't sit with me when I tune into my favorite cartoon channels. I miss all the stories you told me once. I miss the warmth of your lap. Today at school all the students came with their parents. Only I was there without one. You will never realize how bad I felt. Everyone was asking me about you and I was clueless. I have realized that you don't have time for me. So I feel that You don't love me anymore.
Father:  I am really sorry for all the things. All your points are genuine but sweetheart please don't say I don't love you.
Girl: No you don't love me any more (and the girl breaks into tears).
Father: I still remember the day you were born. oh an angel came into my life . She was so beautiful that God himself blessed her with all goodness and Goddess graced her with all her Charm. I saw you held within the cozy arms of your mom. You were filled with infinite innocence. Those eyes were closed yet expressive. I felt if my angel is dreaming about the heaven from where she has come. That moment I promised myself that, I am going to make this world a heaven for her. I still remember those tiny hands and legs I touched. I can never explain what I felt when I kissed those tender cheeks. And when I took you in my arms for the first time, I felt like the luckiest man in this world. You were the greatest gift to me. I could see a baby with eyes like me , ears like me , Cheeks like me , lips like me , nose like me and it was well mixed with the essesance of your mother everywhere, just like the way she accompany me everywhere. Your presence endorsed and beautified my relationship with your mom. It gave a wonderful meaning to our marriage. You amplified our love for each other. You were not only my child, you were a blessing to me. The sweetest of all the possessions in my life. I saw you as my own projection to the future world. I saw you as my own reflection. I still look for my own eyes when I look into yours.  I hardly get time to see you playful. so as soon I get back from my office I straight away go to your room to make sure that my darling baby is safe and comfortable. When I see you sleeping in the earlyhours , I search for that infinite innocence and make my day.
Sweetheart you are my essence and you have been nourished by the most beloved women of my life. I love you the same way I love me, my mom and your mom
My blood is running in your body. You carry my genes . You reflect the face of my previous generation. You make me remember of my own parent. You are my grip to my future generation. You are associated to me in the same way I am associated with my own parent.
So please don't say that I don't love you .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very emotional and touchy....