Sunday, November 2, 2008

Children Of Good Time

Concentration of wealth among few people is not a national achievement. Our economy is going thorough major reforms and now, when the world economic orders dwindles with every US impacts we have to look forward for making ourselves self reliant. We the Children of good times have to think about our coming generation. We can take the case of Indian Railways, the recent flying colors of the huge organization depicts an independent system which has nothing to do with outside world. In this world of globalization where one economy influences the other, we have to have a shock absorber kind of arrangement. Agriculture, Construction and Manufacturing should be reformed in such a manner so that we should get them as pillars for supporting our economy. Of course service sectors matters a lot but we cannot bypass production by making an excuse about huge capital investments. If we are complacent with the income we are making from our service sector we must be smart enough to invest that income in strengthening the basics of any economy i.e Production and Manufaturing.We need to introspect and rethink about the ideas which our father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhi gave. We need to fuel the traditional occupations and harness the specialty of small scale industries. Modernization is important for advancement, but if we want to filter the fruits of our growing economy to every section of the society we need to work hard on the issue.Our great leaders concieved the concept of Public sector units and named it Temple of Modern India. That was a legendry step in designing our economy but we shouldnot forget the fact that " Labour must be related to a delicate balance of productivity and Time" . India, which is a puzzle for outer world, harness its ethnic diversity with great grace. We are surrounded by those neighbors who are engaged in the settlement of their internal orders. And being in the same geography we have been able to retain the unity in diversity. This is a great achievement. Barring few incidences which happened in recent past in Maharashtra and northeast, we have had existed peacefully post independence. Not only that we have harnessed a respect for our diverse ethnic culture. For a country to progress, peace is most important. I am convinced for the fact that we have been able to achieve peace despite several separatist attempts. I heartily thank our leaders who have worked hard to to retain the unity of this nation.
Being in IT, where every move depends on US Economic order, current recession gave us an opportunity to think on the issue. The real challenge on the legends of this industry lies in identifying the potential markets under the lights of future socio-economic orders. If we are able to for see our future, only then we can make a Difference .

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