Sunday, November 2, 2008

Just Like That....

Some times I sit and try to imagine about world after my death. Will this earth be going around the same way it goes now. If there will be an infinite chain of days and nights. If the monsoon will pour during december and summer poping up in september. How our children will be doing it all. Will this world be more beautiful than it is now. May be or may not be. But one thing is for sure. I will be not there to help them out. This is how this world is going on. There is hand holding up to a certain time and then we all are set free to follow the way we have chosen for ourselves. The analogy lies with the support we provide to the beams or columns casted fresh and then it is removed. Anyways the cycle lies with we being supported followed by being supporting. If this is the go of life then what is the go of death?. What about the existance and what about so called emotions and feelings we carry with in ourselves. It may be perfectly fine that once our body is disposed we are gone out of world physically, but where does our thoughts and imaginations go. Do we really exist even if we dump our physical body. Religion and philosophy may be able to answer it. But how can we be sure or convinced. If i can see this world the same way other see. If yellow colour looks red to other but he too say that visible red to him yellow. If it is dark in day for some and bright at night and we still call that dark, bright from our eyes. Sorry people you may get mad about these thoughts of my but it bugs me every time. When i see some slum children across my office bus window and suddenly a merc passes by. How things can be so much diversed on the same plane ?. How can one born poor and another rich.. Things like this press out some feeling out of my trivial mind and then i get puzzled with the shower of questions. I don't know wether I am making sense out of my writing but i am writting just because if felt like writing.

1 comment:

Shikha said...

you know what .. you should start writin n get it published..